Where Northern & Southern Seafood Meet


Our Locations

Our Featured Menu items

Overstuffed Maine Stuffed Lobster Roll

Conch Fritters

Garlic Steamed Middle Neck Clams

Mahi Mahi Tacos

Franchise Opportunities

The DJ’s Clam Shack system itself is well positioned and poised for growth with a proven track record and a highly experienced operations and management team. The business model is a traditional quick-service restaurant business where customers can order from the diverse menu of seafood, chicken and drinks. All of the food and beverages are sourced from a direct supplier and the visionary principles of the new Franchise are derived from Jeff and Doug’s vast experience in the industry and acute business acumen. The DJ’s Clam Shack business model is simple and structured efficiently to provide profitability and ease of operating management, which allow for ease of replication and will make for a straightforward training program with new Franchise partners.

About DJ's Clam Shack

DJ’s Clam Shack was created in late 2009 when two lower keys restaurateurs decided to combine years of experience to create easily accessible fresh seafood on Duval St. in Key West. The newly formed partnership was steeped in rich northeast seafood tradition, one partner hailing from Ipswich, Massachusetts the other from Blue Point, New York. Mix in over forty years of living, fishing and working the Florida keys, with its variety and incredible bounty of seafood, a recipe for success begins to emerge. The partners agreed that bringing traditional northern and southern seafare together would interest people but they would have to combine only freshest and highest quality ingredients and find a way to keep prices reasonable. A small store in the middle of old town was selected and innovative “cone” packaging was added to complete one of the best traditional seafood experiences in the country.

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